Blog Post
Andrés Glennen
February 19, 2024

In Spain's real estate scene, finding solid investment opportunities has become increasingly challenging. The growing demand for long-term rental rooms has created a dilemma for investors: how to take advantage of this growing demand and make the most of our investments?

The urgent need for solutions for investors seeking lucrative opportunities in the Spanish real estate market. The question persists: how can investors capitalize on this growing demand for long-term rental rooms and ensure a sustainable income stream?

For visionary investors, room rent has proven to be an effective strategy. In booming cities, where rapid occupancy and limited supply pose challenges, this option provides a unique opportunity to maximize return on investment. Discovering how to turn these challenges into lucrative opportunities is key for any astute and visionary investor in the evolving Spanish real estate market.

Reasons to consider this real estate investment option

The Spanish real estate market has become a challenge to find solid investment opportunities. The growing demand for long-term rental rooms has posed a dilemma for investors. How can you capitalize on this trend and achieve a significant return on investment?

Current trends in room rental in Spain.

Renting by room is not a new phenomenon; it has been a common practice in university cities. However, its popularity has transcended these limits: the Spanish market has experienced a boom in this type of rental, driven by the high prices of traditional rentals and the uncertainty in investments in tourist apartments.

In cities such as Valencia, it is presented as an excellent alternative in urban centers. The high prices of traditional rentals and the uncertainty surrounding investments in tourist apartments have driven this trend.

Financial advantages and growing demand for room rentals

The high demand for rooms for rent is exacerbated by two temporary phenomena: the massive influx of students and the preference of many landlords for vacation rentals, since they are more profitable than long-term rentals. However, according to testimonies from various market players, this demand has persisted for months, and the available supply is insufficient. The available rooms are rented out practically immediately.

In addition, this rental model is not only attractive to university students, but it is also in strong demand among young professionals looking to share a flat. This increase in demand not only guarantees constant occupancy, but it also diversifies the profile of tenants, improving stability and profitability for landlords. In addition, the option of converting the property into traditional rental in case the model doesn't work, makes this strategy even more attractive and safe for investors.

Large homes with central locations, especially those with 3 or more bedrooms, they found in the room rental a lucrative business opportunity. This strategy offers a significantly higher return than the traditional rental of an entire apartment. The offer of renting rooms has increased by 34% over the last year, which has caused the price to increase by only 3%, to 350 euros per month, according to a report published by idealista, the real estate marketplace in southern Europe. One of the cities that stand out is Castellón de la Plana, marking a growing demand (156%)

Advantages and disadvantages of investing in rooms

The high demand is exacerbated by the massive influx of students and the preference of many landlords for vacation rentals. Available rooms are rented out almost immediately, evidencing insufficient supply for persistent demand.

Advantages such as income diversification and greater income potential, Higher profitability and risk reduction

As we have seen before, The main advantage of renting by room is the ability to obtain a significantly higher return than the traditional rental of an entire apartment. This higher profitability is due, in part, to the presence of several tenants, which considerably reduces associated risks, such as defaults and major damage. In addition, the constant demand in cities such as Valencia ensures constant occupancy and, therefore, stable income for landlords.

In addition we can mention other advantages To invest in shared flats are:

  • Conversion to traditional rental

 A key advantage is the possibility of converting the property into a traditional rental in case the room rental model doesn't feel comfortable or simply doesn't work as expected. This flexibility provides investors with security, as they can adapt their strategy based on market conditions and demand.

  • Fewer squatting problems
    Renting to several tenants makes it considerably difficult to illegally occupy the apartment. This additional barrier provides an additional layer of security for homeowners, protecting their investment from unwanted occupants.

  • High demand from various groups:

Cities not only attract university students, but also young professionals looking to share a flat. This diversification in demand guarantees constant occupancy and a wide base of potential tenants, maximizing return on investment.

Disadvantages such as the need for more intensive management and problems of coexistence

However, there are drawbacks to consider. It is possible that a room or several will be vacant at some point, which could sharply decrease return on investment. Another potential drawback, especially the renting to students, is the insufficient care of the property and the lack of respect for the residents' rest. However, these concerns can be alleviated by establishing clear rules from the start and carefully selecting tenants. Although the additional work of managing multiple tenants it may seem like a disadvantage, given that these contracts are long-term, this extra effort is rare and is often offset by greater profitability.

If the option of investing in renovations and adding additional rooms is considered, the costs of these renovations must be added to the total investment. This financial consideration is vital to determine the economic viability of the project and ensure that the costs do not exceed the expected benefits.

Best Cities for Investing

Analysis of the main cities to invest in flats for students and professionals

Some cities are emerging as real investment opportunities, offering attractive returns and growing demand. Although Barcelona and Madrid continue to be poles of attraction, there are other cities that have gone a little unnoticed and are joining these cities par excellence as part of the group that accounts for more than half of the room rental offer. More than 50% of the offers of rooms for rent (54%) are located in the cities of Madrid (26% of the total), Barcelona (12%), Valencia (9%, with a demand of 33% year-on-year and an average of 375€, 10% more than last year) and Seville (7%, increasing demand by 49%, obtaining an average ticket of 340€, 13% more than last year).

But it doesn't stop there, cities like Malaga and Granada they are also standing out, offering promising returns with a ticket fluctuation between 250-400€ per room increasing by 8-14% compared to last year, with a supply deficit of 25 to 1, demonstrating the high demand among young people to seek this type of rental.

In Valencia, an apartment of more than 100 square meters, with 4 bedrooms and two bathrooms, is located in economic and central areas for around 115,000€. Adding taxes, real estate fees, notary and registration fees, this apartment could currently cost approximately €132,000.

When analyzing the rental market, this same apartment could be offered for up to 600€ per month, representing a gross return on investment of 5.5%. However, when we enter the room rental market, the dynamics change significantly. In Valencia, bedrooms under 300€ per month are scarce; many are around 350€ per month. Taking a price of 225€ as a reference, the rental potential rises to 900€ per month, achieving a gross return of 8.2%. Even setting the price at 300€, an estimated figure given the growing demand, gross profitability reaches more than 10%.

It should be noted that, in general, large apartments are rented cheaper per square meter than small ones. However, renting by room allows us to challenge this trend. In this market, the spaciousness of the apartment translates into greater profitability when renting by bedroom, especially if it has enough bathrooms (ideally one for every two bedrooms). Not only does this strategy maximize revenues, but it also offers greater long-term financial stability.

Investing in projects similar to this type of rental is presented as a promising bet for the future. In addition to traditionally recognized cities, these new real estate opportunities provide investors with the possibility to diversify their portfolios and obtain solid returns in a constantly evolving market.

Investing in projects similar to this type of rental is presented as a promising bet for the future. In addition to traditionally recognized cities, these new real estate opportunities provide investors with the possibility to diversify their portfolios and obtain solid returns in a constantly evolving market.

Source: Idealist Report

Factors that influence profitability in different cities

Profitability is not just a figure on paper; it is linked to a series of intrinsic and external factors that directly influence investment success. When considering the possibility of investing in room rentals in different cities in Spain, it is essential to carefully evaluate various elements to ensure a solid and sustainable return on investment.

1. Strategic Location

Location is a determining factor in the profitability of room rentals. Cities such as Valencia, Malaga, Granada and Seville offer unique opportunities due to their constant demand for rooms. Proximity to universities, workplaces and public services is essential to attract tenants, so the choice of location must be strategic and well-founded.

2. Property Size and Distribution

The size and design of the house have a direct impact on the number of rooms that can be offered for rent. Large apartments with three or more bedrooms are ideal for this type of investment, as they allow the creation of multiple rooms, thus increasing potential returns.

3. Housing Status and Quality:

A well-maintained home will not only attract tenants, but it will also reduce long-term maintenance costs. Investing in structural improvements and modern amenities can increase perceived value and allow you to set higher rental prices.

4. In-depth Knowledge of Local Regulations:

Each city has specific regulations regarding room rentals. Understanding these regulations is crucial to avoiding legal problems and ensuring that the lease is in compliance with local law.

5. Proactive and Professional Management:

Effective room rental management requires continuous attention and an agile response to the needs of tenants. The speed of solving problems and keeping the property in optimal condition will contribute to tenant satisfaction and, therefore, to long-term retention.

6. Adaptability and Flexibility:

Being willing to adapt to changing market demands is essential. Periodically evaluating profitability, adjusting prices and making improvements according to market trends and needs are fundamental practices for maintaining a profitable investment.

7. Diversification of Investments:

Diversifying investments in different cities can provide coverage against location-specific risks. By investing in multiple cities with sustained demand, the impact of any local fluctuation in the market can be mitigated.


The Spanish real estate market is undergoing a transformation, and room rental is presented as an innovative strategy for investors. Through effective management and strategic property selection, investors can transform current challenges into lucrative opportunities.

Ready to Invest? Reental is here to help you navigate this evolving landscape, offering tools and guidance to expand your investment portfolio in a profitable and sustainable way.

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