Blog Post
Eric Sanchez
Eric Sanchez
February 19, 2024
Real estate

Due to the current levels of inflation, we are obliged to invest, the investor is the current saver, since otherwise all capital will be drastically reduced in the coming years, we'll tell you.

Invierte tus ahorros en el sector inmobiliario

Spanish households placed their savings rate in the second quarter at 16.1% of your disposable income, in contrast to the negative rate recorded in the first quarter of the year for the first time in three years, as reported this Friday by the National Statistics Institute (INE).

This rate of 16.1% is the highest since the second quarter of 2021, when it stood at 21.1%, which in turn means that, compared to the year-on-year comparison, the household savings rate has fallen five points compared to the same quarter of the previous year.

In the second quarter, households spent less than they earned. Thus, your disposable income increased by 5.2% year-on-year, up to 223,727 million euros, while its consumer expenses amounted to 187,534 million euros, up 12%. In addition, they increased their investment by 75.3%, to 14,129 million euros.

As a result, households saved more than 36 billion of euros in the second quarter, compared to 44,891 million euros saved in the same period in 2021.

Excluding seasonal and calendar effects, the household savings rate in the second quarter reached 8.5% of their disposable income, a rate almost two points lower than the previous quarter and the lowest since the fourth quarter of 2019, just before the pandemic broke out.

Invierte tus ahorros en el sector inmobiliario

Households were able to finance the investment they made in the second quarter of the year with their savings, so they showed a financing capacity of 21,114 million euros, the lowest figure in a second quarter since 2014. In the same period in 2021, the financing capacity of households was 35,841 million.

Invierte tus ahorros en el sector inmobiliario

The economy shows a financing capacity of 2% of GDP

Between April and June of this year, the Spanish economy showed a financing capacity compared to the rest of the world of 6,697 million euros, a figure equivalent to 2% of GDP and exceeding that of the same quarter last year (4,041 million euros, equivalent to 1.3% of GDP).

This result is a consequence of the financing capacity registered by households, non-financial corporations and financial institutions, in contrast to the need for funding shown by public administrations.

The latter registered a deficit of 25,241 million euros in the second quarter, 9,453 million euros less than in the same period in 2021, when their net indebtedness reached almost 34.7 billion euros.

Excluding seasonal and calendar effects, general government net indebtedness in the second quarter reached 4.2% of GDP, two tenths more than in the previous quarter.

For their part, financial institutions registered a financing capacity of 9,701 million euros between April and June, more than double that of the second quarter of 2021, while non-financial corporations had a positive balance of 1,123 million euros, compared to a negative balance of 905 million euros in the same period of the previous year.

Discounting seasonal and calendar effects, the national economy registered a financing capacity of 2.6% of GDP between April and June of this year, the same percentage as in the previous quarter and the highest since the second quarter of 2019.

The INE estimates that the economy's gross national income stood at 331,403 million euros in the second quarter, 10.3% more than in the same period in 2021, while gross national disposable income amounted to 327,566 million euros, 10.4% more than in the previous year.


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Take a step forward and allocate your savings to something that will make your capital grow, not reduce it, join the new way of doing finance.

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