Blog Post
Eric Sanchez

Reental Presents Main Sponsorship of PMD Aljaraque

Reental has presented the main sponsorship of PMD Aljaraque, a team that for the second consecutive year will play in the EBA league and which this 2023/24 season will be renamed Reental PMD Aljaraque.

The presentation ceremony took place in the town hall of Aljaraque, with the presence of the mayor of the town, David Toscano, the councilor for sports and education, Leticia Villegas, the founder and CEO of Reental, Eric Sánchez and the captain of the PMD Aljaraque team, Javi Rodríguez.

This sponsorship, which will give an economic boost to this modest basketball club, is part of the actions that Reental develops within its corporate social responsibility. For its CEO and founder, Eric Sánchez, this helps: “it's a way of contributing to society part of what it brings to us. Reental was born from trying to bring a better life to anyone by improving their finances and in these values we also associate the values of sport. In the end, what we want is to continue contributing to society, highlighting the values that sport gives and there is no better way for young youth to have a mirror to look at themselves. Those athletes who strive, who seek to improve, who seek excellence... are a good inspiration for them and that they continue to play sports with all the good that this brings.”

The mayor of Aljaraque, David Toscano, wanted to highlight that: “agreements of this type are essential because keeping a team in the category in which our club is in is difficult. And what can be said of the fact that this help comes from Eric, a player who is from here in our municipality and who has reached the top and once he is there he has remembered his town and wanted to collaborate with our club”.

Eric Sánchez, who is a resident of Aljaraque and has founded a multinational company that is the leader in investments in tokenized real estate in Europe and Latin America, is also the basketball player of the PMD Aljaraque who has had the most professional basketball career, playing from the minibasketball category to the junior category (combining with senior), when he went to Seville after joining the Caja San Fernando (now Betis Basketball). After his fifteen years as a basketball professional, his two promotions to ACB and the achievement of two Prince's Cups have stood out. For Eric, who is now a successful entrepreneur and businessman, the practice of sports has brought him: “work capacity, the way to face challenges, leadership, decision-making and group management. This is why I think that the practice of sports as a child, in any field and category, is essential to train the elderly of the future. I have been away from my town, out of my house for more than twenty years and I was clear that I wanted to live here because I love all this and people live very well. I played in Aljaraque when there was no pavilion, when the roof was placed but there were no walls, when there was no gym and we had to do the physical part anyway, and I experienced that lack of resources very closely so that we could do that training well. We were just kids who wanted to train. Therefore, on a personal level, I am very pleased to be able to lend a hand humbly but within the possibilities of the company so that these children and players now have better conditions. That financial resources are not a fundamental factor for having good conditions or not in sports, but rather that it is a matter of improving those practices”.

It should be noted that the former Argentine basketball player, Luis Scola, former NBA and Olympic champion with Argentina, among many other successes and achievements, is a partner and ambassador of Reental, another example of the union and the link that this company has with basketball.

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