Blog Post
Miguel Caballero
Miguel Caballero
February 19, 2024
Real estate

Yesterday we made history again. The previous tweet defines the moment very well: for the first time in Spain, an apartment has been tokenized and sold in less than 1 day. All thanks to the incredible community of users that we are creating around RentAlt.

Against All Odds (and Gas)

The apartment went on sale on February 10 at 17:30 UTC+1, one of the days when it was almost impossible to work on Ethereum due to gas costs (+400). This caused us to have to carry out a user validation process (Whitelisting) by hand, prioritizing larger investments over smaller ones. Something we did NOT want to do (as a matter of principle... we want to democratize access to investment, not restrict it to the biggest ones) but that we were forced by the network. Fortunately, investors responded and on the 11th we woke up with more affordable gas, with the rest being able to enter with smaller tickets.

Maximum transparency (as always)

You have the token contract Etherscan: as you can see, there are 32 investors who have made 35 transactions. All of them have naturally passed a KYC/AML on the platform and are whitelisted to be able to buy a security token properly, in accordance with article 35-2 of the Securities Market Act.

interfaz de etherscan con la transacción de venta de un inmueble tokenizado

Next week we will formally buy the property, we will begin the renovation and in approx. 30 days it will be available for rent, with investors starting to receive the return of the property in USDT every month. You have the asset's tokenomics Hither:

Liquidity pool at Uniswap

In compliance with the roadmap and as we said, as of today, a liquidity pool is available with the pair RNT-SVQ-1/USDT to be able to buy or sell tokens, depending on your interest. I remind you that you must be Whitelisted Within to be able to transact with the tokens.

With this peculiarity, we are solving one of the biggest problems in the sector: making investments in a secondary liquid market from the start. If you want to sell your tokens or you had a hard time buying them, the liquidity pool will always be available to you. As soon as it is public, we will attach the link.

Next steps: 30 properties this year

This has only just begun! As there is a lot of interest in entering into new operations, we are already working to list the next properties, which we will launch very soon at a rate of approximately 2 new ones every month, to accumulate more than 1,000 transactions in 2025.

We also continue to improve the app interface and services for our investors: Dashboard with returns, buying from fiat and other cryptos and optimizing certain parts of contracts to reduce gas (and costs).

Here's yesterday's webinar explaining how the operation went. See you in the next building!

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