Blog Post

We launched the first liquidity pool for a property in the BSC

Eric Sanchez
Eric Sanchez
February 19, 2024
DeFi Reental

We are proud to continue breaking barriers and innovating to make investing in real estate accessible to everyone.

And the thing is that last night, after countless hours of work, we gave life to first liquidity pool for a security token in the BSC in the world. Yes, you heard correctly: no one has ever offered liquidity for a property on this network before.

From now on, Reental's properties are liquid: any investor can buy or sell their tokens against the pool, with any crypto and for any amount. BAM.

Here's a screenshot of the exact moment it was created;

captura del momento de creación del pool de liquidez de reental

And here you can see the transaction detail in BSCscan.

And what does this mean?

It's not just a technological milestone. The most important thing are the great advantages they represent for the final investor.

And the thing is that any token holder of a property can make its investment liquid at any time, and anywhere, without the need for a buyer. You don't have to wait for the contract term to expire. You only need an internet connection and in seconds you can get the equivalent in dollars of the tokens you sell at market price.

How does the liquidity pool work?

We created the pool with the RNT-SVQ-1 pair and the USDT stablecoin. Any investor who has been included in our whitelist can buy or sell property tokens and not only receive or pay with USDT, but the pool also allows you to do this with the numerous tokens listed, such as BNB, BTC, DOT, BCH, ETH... of course, from the Binance network.

interfaz de intercambio de la pool de liquidez

The steps are very simple. I share this other article with the process for using the pool.

Why the Binance Smart Chain?

As many of you know, initially our first property was tokenized on the Ethereum network. Tokenization was successful in terms of operation, speed and interest, but it had a drawback... high gas costs.

This resulted in very high fees for the network, with which some investor came to pay $80 for the O__O transaction

Despite being fervent followers of Ethereum and its community today, this is not operational for Reental, since our mission is to democratize access to investment and with high commission costs it would become an unfeasible task.

And that's where BSC comes into play. This network has developed a lot in recent months, its community is growing and it works almost exactly like the Ethereum network with a clear advantage: its low gas costs.

In this screenshot you can see the cost of the first transaction in the liquidity pool.
¡$0.35! Impressive. Simply today, the advantages for investors of interacting against a pool and paying $0.35 instead of $50-80 are unquestionable.

For $0.35, anyone in the world, from anywhere, can purchase a token for a property in Spain (subject to approval as a registered investor).
captura de los detalles de una transacción de compra de parte de un inmueble tokenizado

Reental's mission is to democratize access to profitable, liquid and secure investments and although we still have a long way to go, we take the first steps firmly and with ambition. And for this reason, we will work tirelessly to be agile and adapt or choose the technology that best meets this objective.

How to buy tokens in this pool or in the next property?

  • signup within and complete the KYC.
  • Request the Whitelisting on the platform itself.
  • After a few hours of reviewing the previous points, we will let you know and you can now interact against these tokens (and all the ones we release).

We continue!

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