Blog Post
Carmen de la Vara
Carmen de la Vara
February 19, 2024

El real estate sector it has always had a great appeal when it comes to investing, and it's no wonder, since the levels of return are attractive and there is some security in understanding the asset in which you are investing. However, like everything in life, real estate investment can also pose some risks for individuals.

In this article, we'll look at the best way to invest in real estate.
Whenever you consider the investment in the real estate sector certain doubts arise that may prevent the investor from making the right decision. Even so, we in Reental we have taken a step forward, and we want to teach our investors how to invest in real estate safely.

Let's look at some of the main problems that investors may have before investing in real estate. And we'll introduce you to what it does Reental in this regard, to make investment in real estate safer and more profitable for the investor.

Search for properties

Without a doubt, the first problem that arises in the real estate investment, and the most difficult for an individual to solve, is the search for the real estate asset in which to invest. We are no longer just talking about the search for real estate asset, which already involves a great deal of effort for the investor, we are mainly talking about the right choice of real estate asset. The area in which it is located, the price, the community, the city, the economy of the city, and a thousand other factors. Each of these factors greatly wear out the investor, leading to the possibility of making the wrong decisions due to wear and tear.

How does Reental and its real estate tokenization solve the search for real estate?

Simple, in Reental we have a great real estate team, which studies the real estate sector daily throughout Spain, in order to bring in our investors the best opportunities in the entire market. The investor will only have to enter the website of Reental, and there you will find the best offers on the market, and most importantly, without having to make any effort, just two clicks.

Initial capital

When we think of real estate, it's normal for it to come to mind. Very high amounts of money needed, for the most part, above the 100,000€. Taking into account the current state of the economy, it is normal for these amounts to be impossible for the vast majority of investors to assume. This aspect forces the majority of the population to be left out of the game.

How does Reental and its real estate tokenization solve initial capital?

To invest in Tokenized properties from Reental You must remove it Three zeros to the amount mentioned above. That's right, you can invest in tokenized properties of Reental Starting from 100€, which is the equivalent of a property token. So Reental democratizes investment in real estate thanks to its real estate tokenization, making this type of investment available to that large majority that is currently outside this market.


With a initial investment of 100,000€ It is normal that the capacity of liquidity is minimal, in other words, a real estate investor will have a lot of difficulty getting rid of a real estate asset in a short time, and if they succeed, it will be almost impossible to do so with profits or with the original price, which entails losses due to the need for liquidity.

How does Reental and its real estate tokenization solve liquidity?

La real estate tokenization It provides a lot advantages compared to the traditional sector, but without a doubt the liquidity pools they are the big star when it comes to liquidity. This decentralized finance or DeFi tool means that an investor can divest from their properties from anywhere, anytime and no need for a buyer. This reduces the sales time of an investment from months to seconds, undoubtedly a great advantage.

We can't forget what's moving in the Reental secondary market. Within this secondary market, which can be accessed through Telegram or Discord (links available at the end of the article), they have even been sold €20,000 in just 5 minutes. Therefore, in order to get hold of any token, you must be attentive.


In Reental We want democratize real estate investment and to be able to make available to our investors the best opportunities in the market. But in addition to good opportunities, we want investors to be able to invest in safe and profitable opportunities. That's why we take advantage of the real estate tokenization to correct the main problems that prevent the average population from investing in the real estate sector.

In order not to miss any of the opportunities we present, we recommend that you join our group of Discord or Telegram To get to know others Reentels and the whole team. Of course we invite you to take a look at our articles on the blog to continue informing you.

Welcome to the new way of doing finance, welcome to Reental.

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