Blog Post
Eric Sanchez
Eric Sanchez
February 19, 2024
DeFi Reental

From Reental we are pleased to announce that we have sold the Malaga-1 property, which means that for the first time in the short, but intense, life of Reental, we have completed a real estate cycle.
How many times have we heard “there's always a first time for everything”? A thousand times sure, but the truth is that some first times they are enjoyed more than others. With the announcement of the sale of Malaga-1 we started completing Reental's first real estate cycle.

What does it mean to complete a real estate cycle at Reental?

It's actually quite simple, we just have to remember what the Reental model is:

  1. Search for a property with the ideal characteristics to obtain a good return.
  2. Availability of the property on our website so that any investor can invest in the property.
  3. Once the property is tokenized, it is renovated.
  4. When we have already made the property “handsome”, we proceed to search for tenants.
  5. The properties are rented for a specific period of time.

So far we all know how it works, right? But there is still one step left, one that we have not yet encountered, although it is a step that we really look forward to. At step number 6 we will call you “real estate cycle completed”.

This interesting point can be found when Is there a sale of a property, that is, when Reental sells the property that was being exploited in rental format.

When this happens, what happens to the investment?

It's actually quite simple. Each investor will receive their initial investment, along with the sales capital. We must not forget that Reental commissions 40% of that capital gain.

As you can imagine, this also means that the property will no longer be available on our website, as it will no longer be the property of Reental.

The example of Malaga-1:

The explanations are great, but you always understand things better when you capture them with an example. As many of you know, on October 28, we announced the first property sale in the history of Reental, which is a great milestone for our company, but above all for our investors.

With the sale of the tokenized property Malaga-1, it will appear on the web under the category “Sold and closed”. This means that investors in this property will be able to claim their investment made, plus their proportional share of the capital gain.

This means that the investor will have received monthly dividends for the rental of the property, and in addition to that he receives his initial investment together with an aggregate of the capital gain. Isn't that great?

If you also want to enjoy the advantages of investing in the real estate sector, without the disadvantages of this market, do not hesitate to join Reental and put your capital to work with just 2 clicks. Own a Reental property, own your finances.

In order not to miss any of the opportunities we present, we recommend that you join our group of Discord or Telegram To get to know others Reentels and the whole team. Of course we invite you to take a look at our articles on the blog to continue informing you.

Welcome to the new way of doing finance, welcome to Reental.

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