Blog Post
Andrés Glennen
Andrés Glennen
February 19, 2024

Reental, a leading company in real estate tokenization and Gigantes, a reference group in the world of basketball with different media (the historic magazine, the different networks, the digital part and events and training), join their paths in a collaboration agreement that has been sealed by the CEO of Reental, Eric Sanchez and the head of expansion of the Gigantes del Basket group, Sergio Sanchez.

Thanks to this agreement, in addition to carrying out different advertising actions, Reental will sponsor one of the prizes that will be awarded in the next 35th Edition of the Giants Awards which will be held in Madrid and where the partner and ambassador of Reental, the former basketball player, Luis Scola, will attend.

This collaboration is part of Reental's policy, which seeks to do its bit so that all citizens, and especially athletes and basketball players, have access to education and financial inclusion, given the connection that the company's CEO has with this sport.

“With this agreement, we intend to continue financially helping a huge group of athletes who are at an early age who have an income that could help them face the rest of their lives after sports and who often don't have the guidance or enough time for it. Our goal is to give them the knowledge so that they can choose, not only how to spend it but also how to put it to produce,” says Eric Sánchez. “In addition, I cannot hide my special connection with basketball since I have been a professional basketball player for many years and I have experienced what I am talking about in my own flesh and that of many of my teammates. It is also a pleasure to do it with the help of Gigantes magazine, of which I have been a consumer all my life”.

For José Antonio Paraíso, general director of Giantes del Basket, joining a project like Reental means: “a pride and joy to work and be able to collaborate with a cutting-edge platform such as Reental, which also has the support and investment of a legend of our sport like Luis Scola. An opportunity to explore new avenues and, from our side, we are very grateful that they value the prestige and track record of our publication.”

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