Blog Post
Eric Sanchez
Eric Sanchez
February 19, 2024
DeFi Reental

Making certain decisions in life are what lead us to our goal, but it's also important to remember that every decision you have to weigh with tranquillity, especially if it's going to have an impact on your future.
Invest in real estate it's really an exciting world, as you can see we love it, and although real estate investment is also for you, there are certain things you should keep in mind before entering this fabulous world.

In this article we are going to introduce you 5 things to consider before investing in real estate.

1. Why do you want to invest in real estate?

This sector has many advantages, and it may be that one calls you more than another and that is why you want to invest in the real estate market. Let's look at some of the reasons that would lead you to invest, who knows, maybe you'll discover a new one.

- Receive passive income every month thanks to the rent of real estate.

- Diversification of your wealth, in this blog we have already spoken on numerous occasions about the importance of diversifying your investments, and investing in the real estate sector serves to diversify your assets in a safe way.

- Bet on the capital gain of the property in the medium/long term, so you must take into account the capacity to appreciation of the good in question. Here, the potential of the area, the prospecting of the city, etc. are very important.

So, in general, you have to find your “why” at investing in the real estate sector, since the answer to this will largely determine the type of investment that best suits you.

2. How much time do you want to spend on your investment?

When you have discovered the reason for investing in the real estate sector, you have to consider how much time you want to allocate to your investment.

- If you have all the time in the world you are probably interested in having a property rented for weeks (vacation type), this type of property has a higher turnover, but also greater associated profitability. The main problem is that it takes up a lot of time in your life.

- On the other hand, maybe you have less time and you decide to have a flat rented annually, which will take a certain amount of time in your life, but you won't have to be aware every day, so it will take you less time than the first example.

- There is also the option that you don't want to spend a long time on it and prefer to simply dedicate specific peaks of time to it. In this case, perhaps the model of buy-reform-sell of the property.

- What if you can't dedicate any time to your real estate investments, but you want to invest in real estate? Don't worry, there's room for you too. In this case the best option is Reental, where you can invest whatever capital you want in real estate, starting at 100€, and without any management on your part, you just have to relax and receive monthly returns without spending a second of your time.

3. Stable financial situation

It's no mystery that in order to investing in the real estate sector, the investor must be aware of the financial situation from which he is starting. This includes savings, income, expenses, investments, and so on.

Whether you are going to apply for a loan from the bank or not, it is important to have stability in your financial situation, since otherwise you would not be able to face certain ups and downs that could be due to your investments. And in the case of asking for a loan, the bank would be much more willing to provide you with financial aid in a stable situation.

4. How much capital do you want to invest?

Once you have a stable financial situation that allows you to enter into an investment of this caliber, you should ask yourself one of the most important questions, and that is the maximum amount you can or want to invest in real estate.

This section includes such fundamental aspects as external financing (bank loan), liquidity, the level of savings, and so on. Depending on the decisions you make at this point you will become one type of real estate investor or another.

On many occasions the investors they decide to use part of their capital to invest in a property with a return greater than the bank's interests and thus leverage themselves, but as we have said, each person is a world and their financial situation can be very different.

However, again, there is also an option for you, for the person who does not have such a stable financial situation, or who cannot directly afford such an investment. Again we refer to Reental, because through our platform you can invest in real estate with just 100€, sounds great right?

5. Things may not be going well

If we told you that investing in the real estate sector It has no risky risks, we would be lying to you, since any investment that returns has risks associated with it.

In the case of real estate we have aspects such as regional or national regulations, the rise of the IBI, interest rates, the level of inflation, the development of an area, and a long list.

However, it is also true that there are other types of investments with greater risks, such as the volatility experienced in the stock market, something little seen in the real estate sector.


Once you have been able to check all the aspects to consider before investing in the real estate sector we invite you to join this exciting world. We know that some of these aspects are likely to hold you back, but that doesn't mean you can't invest in real estate.

Thanks to Reental you can invest part of your capital in different properties, from only 100€ and receiving monthly returns without any management. Thanks to our model, you can invest in the real estate sector, without large capital, without management, without wasting time, etc.

In order not to miss any of the opportunities we present, we recommend that you join our group of Discord or Telegram To get to know others Reentels and the whole team. Of course we invite you to take a look at our articles on the blog to continue informing you.

Welcome to the new way of doing finance, welcome to Reental.

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